Agency - the ability to act for oneself
Dedicated to those who mourn the loss of their former beliefs and the damage to relationships that depended so much on sharing those beliefs.
I mourn with you.
I’ve compiled my observations regarding the Book of Mormon because I think a lack of knowledge may be the most serious limit to a person’s agency.
Man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other [opposing things].
(2 Nephi 2:15-16)
I value the truth, and that led me to join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as the LDS Church or Mormon Church), but I didn’t receive a full disclosure about the Church’s teachings and claims, so my annotations are my attempt to provide that disclosure about the Book of Mormon. I suspect you value the truth too, so please explore my annotations and offer your correction if I am wrong in even the smallest point.
The honest investigator must be prepared to follow wherever the search of truth may lead. Truth is often found in the most unexpected places. He must, with fearless and open mind insist that facts are far more important than any cherished, mistaken beliefs, no matter how unpleasant the facts or how delightful the beliefs.
~Hugh B. Brown, while Second Counselor in the First Presidency
What’s new?
- Project Korihor – I’ve joined Project Korihor, a crowd-sourcing site for annotating all Mormon scriptures. It’s kind of like Wikipedia for Mormon scriptures. We recently published my Book of Mormon annotations on the Project Korihor site, and I’ll be contributing annotations to other scriptures there. I’ll continue to maintain this site, but Project Korihor can add to the understanding of Mormon scripture well beyond what my Annotated Book of Mormon could ever do. In addition to including all standard works of the Church, Project Korihor can provide observations from a broader spectrum of interest and expertise because it invites multiple contributors. Please take a look, get the word out, and consider registering to share your scriptural observations with the world.
- Annotation revision for Moroni 10:4, the Book of Mormon Promise.
I think my observations for this verse may be the most important of all my annotations. The Book of Mormon promise of personal revelation is seen as the bedrock of their faith, yet I think calling it a foundation of sand would be generous, so I tried to improve my explanation. Here’s a new image that sums up the problem nicely, but click here to read the full explanation.