Annotated Book of Mormon
Evaluated According To My Current Knowledge

If I could ask them one question about

the Church’s Book of Mormon, Come Follow Me, Lesson 49
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For Dec 14-20, 2020
Moroni 10

If I wanted to encourage thought and try to understand devout believers better, I might ask:

“How well does the Book of Mormon promise work?”

Things to consider:

A Better Alternative – Science-based Critical Thinking

8 Science-based Strategies for Critical Thinking
Learn more about these 8 science-based strategies for critical thinking at

The purpose of science and critical thinking is to minimize the biases and other challenges to our thinking. Leveraging principles from both the scientific method and critical thinking can help you learn better and have more rationally justified conclusions. I think this is important because I think each of us has a moral obligation to make sure our beliefs are rationally justified (see The Ethics of Belief).

Can you rationally
justify giving 10%
of your income to
an organization
that will not
disclose finances?

I take it as a given that this does not apply to all beliefs. Some beliefs are of little consequence. For example, it’s probably not worth much effort to fully rationally justify a belief that I have milk in my fridge at any given moment. On the other hand, if given an opportunity to invest your life savings in my crazy Uncle Fred’s latest business venture, I suggest you would be well served by first investing the time to come to a rational conclusion about the opportunity. There is no fool-proof way to understand what is real and what is not, but science-based critical thinking can help you avoid many of the pitfalls of irrational thought. For example, depending on your situation, these eight thinking strategies could save you 10 percent or more of your income.

Providing information to counter false claims has its place, but you don’t need an A-BoM to blow up false truth claims. I think you’d do better to teach and encourage people to use science-based critical thinking. That’s what I did with my kids. I didn’t tell them about the problems with the Mormon Church. I encouraged them to critically examine truth claims in general—to think for themselves. All five of my children concluded on their own that the Mormon Church is not what it claims, that its leaders do not speak for an all-loving God.

Other observations about this lesson’s reading:

If you could ask believers questions about the scriptures for this lesson, what would you ask?

Have fun studying!

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